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PNRR C3 I1.D – Recycling Factories

Construction of waste recycling facilities – Advisory guide

Eligible beneficiaries:

  • Economic operators (micro, small, medium, large companies)

Amount of financing

  • Min. 500,000 euros/project – Max. 8,400,000 euros/project
  • Financial allocation: 286 million euros

Funding intensity

  • Max. 75%

Eligible expenses

  • Expenditures for the realization of the constructions necessary for the location and installation of the machinery, installations and equipment purchased, with the related equipment – electrical installations, natural gas supply, heating, ventilation, air conditioning installations
  • Expenditure on the purchase and installation of machinery, plant and equipment
  • Expenditure on acquisition of intangible assets

Implementation period

  • 01.02.2020-30.06.2026

Durability Period

  • Minimum: 5 years – big enterprises
  • Minimum: 3 years – IMM-s

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